Pub. 1 2018 Directory

37 lighting controls and 3.2 KW of solar photovoltaic power also enhance the numerous passive solar design configurations to further enhance the energy efficiency of the home. Off the shelf Ikea cabinetry throughout, laminate bathroom countertops, economic Luan slab doors throughout, Milgard fixed windows and Sierra Pacific operable windows establish a very feasible and “off-the shelf ” palette, which is then configured creatively for this particular site. Lime plaster “Eco Stucco” shower walls not only provide an ecofriendly solution, but more importantly an easily maintained surface. Off the shelf Glue Lam beam stair treads and Ikea butcher block countertop material serves as the main building blocks for the central 2 ½ story stairwell / “stack effect” vertical air shaft. b