Pub. 2 2019 Directory

26 NORTHERN NEVADA ARCHITECTECTURE .19 | 2019 | PROJECT Great Basin Hall at UNR MASONRY CONTRACTOR ConstructionDevelopment Services – In memory of Mike “Curley” Cate GENERAL CONTRACTOR Core Construction STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Shields Engineering, Inc. ARCHITECTURAL FIRM VanWoertBigotti Visit View Our CMU, WALLS & PAVERS Products >> Photography Credit - Vance Fox Photography ETCHEMENDY ENGINEERING INC. 10597 DOUBLE R BLVD., RENO, NV 89521 P: 775.853.1131 I F: 775.852.2352 BETCHEMENDY@EEI-NV.COM I WWW.EEI-NV.COM 5. Design and honor awards program. 6. WMR Pettigrew Leadership Scholarship awareness and fundraising. As change is a constant part of our lives, it becomes critical to ensure that the region is fulfilling its expectations to its members. This list of areas fulfills its mission, builds connections and solidifies institutional memory. As we transition from the current annual WMR conference, we look to build a leaner, more agile meeting opportunity to accomplish the above values evidenced by our members but without the rigid schedule, financial obligation, and staffing burden placed on our host chapters through the requirement of building an autonomous, annual regional conference, typically in competition with other annual state conferences. CACE is an invaluable partner in helping the WMR and its leaders best support the members. Their active participation in the future of this meeting is vital. TheWMR Executive Committee proposes a move away from the traditional multidayWMR Conference to a half-to full-day meeting with aWMRDesign/Honor Awards Gala called the “WMR Forum,” which would be designed in concert with an existing annual state function. This proposal is intended to permit flexibility in the planning and execution of the forumwhile also being respectful of the logistic, programming, and schedule abilities of our state host chapters. b  — continued from page 25